Course: EEE4022S - Undergraduate Research Project
Topic - Design & Development of an Energy Efficient Cattle Tracking and Monitoring System
This project was primarily focused on the design phase since components and equipment were not readily available, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
An attempt was made at a phase-1 prototype but it was incomplete at the time of writing. Efforts are being made to see this project to completion.
The project kicks-off with a thorough literature review of existing products, techniques and technologies, which are summarized and explained in the form of a brief project proposal report and PowerPoint presentation, featured below. This report frames the problem topic, defines the project scope and outlines the main research objectives.
The final report goes on to explore the concepts further and presents the design of the proposed system. I decided to use the Arduino programming language, IDE and microcontroller platforms to facilitate rapid prototyping and development.
This project serves as a proof-of-concept exercise to determine the viability of the proposed system. Once determined to be feasible, a second more permanent design using dedicated components will take place to further improve upon system performance and drastically reduce material costs. The full project report can be accessed below along with the final PowerPoint presentation (with voice-over) and poster.
Table summarizing the differences between classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)